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Here's how it works.

Step 1: Create your account.
Step 2: Pick your stocks and weight them.
Step 3: Check the leaderboard and see if you are beating our AI.
Step 4: Win cash prizes if your picks succeed.
Step 5: Prizes will be awarded to the three participants that have the highest total return on their portfolio, plus a special bonus prize to whoever has the highest single day return during the contest period.

I wanna win!

You pick stocks from the S&P 500 to create a fake portfolio. Once you pick at least three stocks, you’ll weight your portfolio based on your hunches, market insight or Buffettesque wisdom. Then, you sit back, watch and (hopefully) win.

Show me the money

Yep, free money. We're handing out unlimited bragging rights and cash prizes of $500, $200 and $100 to participants finishing first, second and third in the contest. Plus, the participant with the best single day get a prize of $100.

Frequently asked questions:

What are the prizes?

$500 for first place, $200 for second place, $100 for third place, and $100 for whoever had the best single day in the contest.

Do I need to have investment experience in order to win?

Nope. Obviously, the more you know about investing, the better. But no experience is necessary. Have fun with it!

Can I really beat Q.ai's artificial intelligence?

Not gonna lie, our AI is pretty good. But our hypothesis is that some of you will be able to beat it. You won't know unless you try.

How do I track my performance?

Once you log in, you'll get a sweet overview of all the details: — today's change, your total return, your current rank out of all the participants, and a yes/no if you're beating the AI.

How will I know if I'm winning?

Easy. Just log in and take a peek at the leaderboard. It's going to look real nice seeing your name at the top.

You mean I have to wait all of December for the contest to run?

Yep. Rome wasn't built in a day. And, to be realistic, investment gains take time. Don't worry, the suspense will be exciting.

How long does the contest last?

One month. Be sure to create your portfolio before December 1st. The contest lasts the entire month of December.

Free money? What's the catch?

No catch! We love giving money away. Plus, we get to show you how cool investing is, and the kinds of gains that are possible. Okay, to be honest we want you to download our iOS app and start building wealth, but who wouldn't want to do that anyway? 😈